
The 13th International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society (FEBS 2024) is organized by Paris School of Business with the support of the Center of Research for Energy and Climate Change – CRECCand will take place on 20-22 of June, 2024 in Paris. The event aims to provide academics, policymakers, and practitioners with a valuable forum for discussion and critical analysis of the major issues and challenges that interrelate finance, economics, energy, environment, sustainability, and social transition.

Keynote Speakers


Thorsten Beck

Director, The Florence School of Banking and Finance 

Professor of Financial Stability, The European University Institute



Mariassunta Giannetti

Katarina Martinson Professor of Finance

Stockholm School of Economics



Kose John

Charles William Gerstenberg Professor of Banking and Finance

Stern School of Business, New York University



Important Dates

January 31, 2024: Submission deadline

February 15, 2024: Extended submission deadline

March 8, 2024: Notification of submission outcome

March 31, 2024: Early-bird registration deadline

April 30, 2024: Standard registration deadline

June 20-21-22, 2024: Conference event

Publication Opportunities

Special issues have been arranged with

International Review of Financial Analysis

Finance Research letters

International Review of Economics and Finance

Papers submitted to these special issues must fall within the scope of the journals. All submissions will be subject to the standard review process of each journals. The call for papers of these special issues will be available soon

Papers from the program can be submitted to the Journal of Financial Stability, following the regular submission process, however, if the conference is highlighted in the cover letter, it would be given a fast-track review process.


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